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How to Become an ARRL Volunteer Examiner and Pass the Open Book Review

If you are a licensed amateur radio operator who wants to help others get into the hobby, you might be interested in becoming a Volunteer Examiner (VE) for the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). VEs are authorized to administer amateur radio license exams and issue certificates of successful completion of examination (CSCE) to candidates who pass.

To become an ARRL VE, you need to meet the following requirements:

You must hold a valid FCC-issued amateur radio license of General class or higher.

You must be at least 18 years old.

You must be accredited by the ARRL VEC (Volunteer Examiner Coordinator).

The accreditation process involves filling out an application form and taking an open book review. The open book review is a 40-question test that covers the rules and procedures for conducting amateur radio license exams. You can find the VE manual and the open book review on the ARRL website[^1^]. You need to score at least 80% (32 out of 40 questions) to pass the review.

The open book review is not timed, but you should complete it within one sitting. You can use the VE manual and other resources as references, but you should not consult with anyone else while taking the review. You can submit your answers online or by mail. Once you pass the review, you will receive a confirmation email from the ARRL VEC with your VE credentials and instructions on how to participate in exam sessions.

As a VE, you will be expected to follow the guidelines and policies of the ARRL VEC, which are detailed in the VE manual. You will also need to keep your contact information updated with the ARRL VEC and renew your accreditation every three years by taking another open book review.

Becoming an ARRL VE is a rewarding way to give back to the amateur radio community and help new hams get on the air. If you are interested in becoming an ARRL VE, visit the ARRL website[^1^] for more information and resources.

One of the benefits of being an ARRL VE is that you can join a local VE team and participate in exam sessions in your area. Exam sessions are usually held at public venues such as libraries, schools, or community centers. You can find upcoming exam sessions on the ARRL website or by contacting your local ARRL section manager.

As a VE, you will work with other VEs to set up the exam room, register and verify the identity of the candidates, distribute and collect the exam materials, grade the exams, and issue CSCEs to those who pass. You will also need to fill out and submit the required forms and reports to the ARRL VEC after each session. You can use the online ExamTools system or the printed forms provided by the ARRL VEC.

Being a VE is not only a service to the amateur radio community, but also a learning opportunity for yourself. You will be able to interact with other VEs and candidates, share your knowledge and experience, and keep up with the latest developments in amateur radio. You will also be able to witness the joy and excitement of new hams who achieve their license goals.

If you are ready to take on the challenge and responsibility of being an ARRL VE, don't hesitate to apply and take the open book review. You will be joining a network of over 30,000 VEs who are dedicated to advancing the art and science of amateur radio. 9160f4acd4


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